Saturday, July 23, 2011

I'm so empty (long, sorry!)?

Hi, I didn't think I'd do this but I guess I need to put my thoughts in one place. I don't know what the point is anymore. I work for less than minimum wage at a job with great potential but I'm never noticed no matter what I do. I was abused as a child by a family member - i didnt tell anyone because i didnt want to break up my family but now i resent them for not helping and have pretty much pushed people away since, slowly pushing all of my close friends away and each and every boyfriend. I'm lonely I guess, my own fault but still. I try to alter myself to be the best I can be but it never seems to be good enough and I end up hating myself. I hate the way I look so much. At my lowest points I sit and scratch at my stomach and thighs punishing myself for being so ugly, it feels good knowing no one knows. I'm not successful at anything I do and always seem to do something wrong no matter how hard I try. I have always achieved good grades without much effort and I left school when I heard about an internship because I wanted to start being 'grown up' and start making a life of my own, i vastly underestimated how hard it'd be and now I work as an underpaid lettings agent. It's like I'm always one step away from the edge, just teetering. I definitely don't want to be here. I want purpose I've looked into volunteering but I don't think I can be much help to someone without first sorting out my problems and maybe I'm beyond help I feel empty. I'm not here looking for sympathy or even advice, I just need to vent and I'm sorry if I've wasted your time reading it. I'm sure there are so many people in much worse situations - look at japan - i feel selfish and hate myself even more. I'm at the edge of pushing my current boyfriend away he's been so patient with me but the pressure of our long distance relationship means when we do see eachother we argue sometimes and i know its getting to him - it's getting to me - i know i'm slowly pushing him away and i cant stop it its like im watching my actions out of my body i cant control whats happening and what i'm doing i just sabotage sabotage sabotage anything that makes me remotely happy. I know this is typical 'my parents hate me' and i know that they dont hate me but i think they blame a lot on me - whenever something goes missing its always my fault whenever something gets broken its always my fault i can't even do right by them and its just getting too much. I have tried to end my life twice, once when I was 13 and once when I was 17. I can't look back and think they were a dark time but i'm over it because to be honest i felt exactly as i do at the moment - so close to giving up. I have tried calling the samaritans but I couldnt bring myself to say anything - i feel so stupid and petty that these things make me want to end my life when there are people with such hardships battling through. I would love to one day be in the position of a samaritan - i think they're amazing, helping people who feel helpless find hope I would love to be in the position to be so at peace with myself that I can offer my advice to others, even just to listen to someone who like me just needs to get the tormenting thoughts out of their head. I've never spoken about any of these issues to anyone before, to this day no one knows the extent to which I was abused and i dont think i will ever have the courage to admit it. I'm ashamed, it feels like it was my fault like I gave the impression that I wanted it. It started when I was six and ended when I no longer saw that family member due to seperate family disputes, the relief was indescribable but sometimes my parents talk about him and i feel sick and shakey. I have panic attacks regularly whenever things feel like theyre getting on top of me and just too much and it takes me hours to calm down and I'm not 'normal' again for a week or so. At the moment I'm preparing for a surgical procedure and I'm panicking so much and so scared not of the operation but the aftercare - I can't not go to work for the 6 week recovery time! I can't even have a week off without risking my job :( For anyone going through similar problems please if you have more courage than me take steps to make your life better and phone the samaritans 08457909090 they are amazing people who give me slight hope there is something out there for me. I hope to find purpose some day SOON because I can not take much more. xx

How do you do a detox diet?

i have read about it and it just says eat fruit and veg? can someone please give me more details, also what are you supposed to drink?

Why do little old ladies always win contests....seriously?

Okay, every time I enter a contest, or I enter someone else and there's a little old lady, she wins automatically. On the last two cruises that I went on, I learned how to expertly make those towel animals and each time I had an entire zoo of animals, all neatly intact and I made mine faster than anyone. But someone's grandmother won. She made towel animals that fell apart and the judge even helped her a little bit. She won the prize. A couple of people in the audience told me that I should have won. Also, in a local contest in town, they had a Good Samaritan/Good Neighbor contest for people who have done acts of kindness or done acts of heroism. I nominated a nurse friend of mine who has helped to save lives several times and has achieved honors from the hospital where she works, but they gave the prize to a little old lady who made pin-cushions for her friends. Then we had a best essay contest about why we like our neighborhood, and I and a friend joined forces to write terrific essay which many people thought would win for sure. But nope, some little old lady entered a paragraph or two and won the grand prize. Don't get me wrong, I love senior citizens, but has anyone else noticed how they always win in contests, or is it just me and my luck? In fact, one of the judges in the Good Samaritan contest told me in confidence that she cast her vote for the pin cushion lady because she wanted to make her feel good, and besides she deserves some happiness since she may not have too many years left. Am I heartless to get sort of frustrated that I'm always upstaged by a senior citizen at these contests?

How successful is the lemon detox diet?

Detoxing is a complex game of biochemistry. The lemon detox is popular, but there are other options that are not so harsh. Try to eliminate the bad stuff and add in the "clean" foods and you will begin to crave healthier food. The detox itself is meant to reset your body to proceed with a healthier eating pattern. For more on how to properly detox see the article below at:

What can we give our dog to help speed up her detox from an overrage of a pain medicine?

we accidentally have our dog too much of her pain meds, and the vet said as long as she isnt vomitting she isn't vomitting she doesn't need to come in. But she is very lethargic and we wanted to know if there is something we can give her to excelerate the detox process?

How long does it take the body to rid it's self of toxins?

I've made a serious change in my life due to a job that i want to apply for in August. So no more smoking weed or cigarets or drinking. I haven't touched any of that in about 2 weeks, but i made a promise to my best friend of 15 years that we would party it up for her 25th, which is this up coming weekend. I'm a strong willed person and my ability 2 quit was as easy as snapping my fingers so there is no biggie there. what i want to know is if i drink and smoke cigs, this Saturday and nvr again, how long will it take for those toxins to leave my body entire body???starting July 1st I'm going to fast for 4 to 5 days, drinking only juices (fruit and veggie) and water. then I'm going to drink this green tea detox recommended by a friend by zydot and around July 25th or so I'm going to use zydots hair cleansing shampoo that opens up hair follicles and cleanses them of any toxins. ( thc, nicotine, cotinine) by then my body should be completely rid of all of those toxins right???

Where is the love, please help a girl in distress!?

To what extent will you sacrifice your standards to find the truly "nice" guy? Is being nice *really* all you want?

If you have a month to live?

and a good Samaritan is giving you a chance to go to a place of your choice, and you can take your husband/wife, where will you go to enjoy your life for a month?

FanFiction story Inuyasha Help?

you mean to say that you're writing that tripe? You have a major flaw - Kagome appeared much later in the InuYasha timeline.

Please answer 10 points!!!!!!! atleast a few questions and i'll answer yours?

Sounds like homework to me so not going to answer would not want you to risk getting done for plagiarism!!

How old do you have to be to go to a Dr.Dre concert?

I'm only 15 but I NEED to go to his tour whenever "Detox" comes out,its his last album so that might just be my only chance.

How to a hang or attach a bow and arrow quiver on my pants or hang on my back?

i bought a composite bow which came with a quiver.the quiver is fake leather. on the quiver is a loop like a C but the open part of the C is attached to the quiver so the hole is sealed so basically its an O. how do I hang the quiver on my back or attach to my pants

Have you ever been a Good Samaritan?

Yep took the blame for something i didnt do to stop another worker getting the sack, good workmate and worker going through a hard time in life. I didnt do it to be a good samaritan he wasnt an enemy but i'll never turn my back on a good workmate. Bad workmates, lazy lackies my real ememies i would shaft in a second.

Movie about a boy with a burnt/scarred face, who shoots cousin or brother then buries him in the woods?

This movie was divided into 3 stories i believe and another one of the story was about a little asian girl who was abandoned/or left behind and this white/caucasian man is trying to be a good samaritan and takes her in. Any ideas what the name of this movie is? I watched it a while back around 2005-2006 so I am not sure of the title...

How is the neighborhood area West LA near downtown?

How is the neighborhood area west of LA near downtown? I'm mainly concerned with safety but also wish to get an idea of the area between the Good Samaritan Hospital and the Loyola Law school. I've heard there is a violence problem but also read about the change and revitalization of the area. Also how are near surrounding areas?

Depo shot (sorry for all the questions!:)?

I doubt the detox will work, I stopped bleeding 2 weeks after the 3 months of non stop bleeding was up. I fell pregnant 6 months later, miscarried (nothing to do with depo) then fell pregnant again 6 months later.

My grand son's class is studying the parable of the good Samaritan in school this week?

he is in catholic school, by the way, his teacher asked why the Samaritan was more moral than the other two people. he didn't understand the meaning of why he was moral. I told him its because a moral person will do what is right, even if it costs him and nobody watches or cares, a moral person does something just because he should. is this the answer I should have given him?

What would you do if you found a wallet with $200 in it laying on the ground?

Would you be a good samaritan and try to return it or grow devil horns and steal the money out of it or the wallet itself.

Where can I buy something like this?

I absolutely adore the Tiffany's sterling silver bow pendant, but it is too expensive. It's $125 and my birthday is coming up but my parents are buying me a laptop for high school. My sister can't afford anything like that and I don't want to waste so much money. Is there anything very very similar to it for less money? It doesn't even have to be sterling silver, just sort of a droopy bow. Thanks (:

Who can I talk to about my feelings?

Maybe talk to someone at your school if there is a councillor or maybe get a psychologists either by paying or going through your doctor :) x

What can we do as a nation to actually FOLLOW what is in the bible more?

This is exactly why the bible is arguably the single most harmful piece of literature to ever be mass-published (it and the koran are basically side by side in that respect). So many christians and religion apologists claim that passages like these are no longer relevant, or that the old testament was canceled out by Jesus. If that is so, why do christian bibles still contain the old testament? If it has been rendered irrelevant to your belief, why is it still quoted by priests and pastors of so many christian sects?

Do you always get sweats and shaking during alcohol withdrawal?

I am currently in detox and am desperate for a drink but I don't have the shakes and am not really sweating. I haven't drank for a week. I just feel really irritable and angry and can't sit still.

Whats your opinion of a person who dresses like this?

I like the no make up part.. But my style is a lot different.. but it seeems like she doesn't care exasctly what she looks like, and thats a sign of confidence , so I like that ! But I do wear alot of hollister also ! but not polo style shirts.

Trying to contain the misery welling up inside me.?

I recognise this indescribable feeling and the feeling of being in a nightmare. Like a kind of overwhelming depression? I am not sure if that helps. That you are telling someone even if on-line that is a good thing. I know you don't want to see a doctor but is there a therapist you could talk to, they could be a support? Keep posting until you get the support that you need. Don't give up hope, things can be processed as to what has happened to you. Take care x

Can CTV be charged with Criminal Negligence Causing harm or The Good Samaritan act for the Vancouver riots?

No. There's no good Samaritan act in Canada and I didn't see any criminal negligence on the live feed I watched. There was a rather hilarious reporter mocking the rioters.

I'm having thoughts of stalking someone?

stalking is never the answer, its illegal isnt it? dont forget its invasion of old are you first of all, it depends, maybe your going through some stages...if your an adult, you should try to find another hobbie, where you can talk to people, make new friends, and spend time with them, people who enjoy peotry as you do, and literature, and take your mind off that certain person, but if you feel a connection toward that person like a love connection, try to meet them a more natural way, befrending them helps, stalking them makes things worse, godd forbidd he or she finds out about your stalking behaviors and they knoe somethings fishy is going on, then your days are over, its better to go the more mature natural way, I knoe what im talking about...good luck

Friday, July 22, 2011

Who Can I Talk To About My Suicidal Thoughts?

I have tried The Samaritans and they only made me more angry, asking too many questions and providing no help. I felt like I was talking to a robot. I have been trying so hard to no longer feel suicidal or to be as depressed as I am but I can't help it. I refuse to take meds because I don't need them, my chemical balance or whatever it is is fine. I just have a lot of issues stacked up that have left me at the end of my rope and looking for a way out. I was wondering if there were any places I could email for free help or something. I don't have money and am too nervous to talk over the phone.. If anyone knows of anything or themselves would like to be a shoulder to me, please respond because I am out of ideas.. I try talking to my friends and they don't seem to get it or just tell me to move on. please email me there to discuss things further? I dunno what else to say except... Help?

Can I take elavil to detox?

From Xanax. I've heard that people use bp medications to wean and detox theirselves from Xanax. I don't want to take this stuff for life, but don't want to go thru hell getting this stuff out of my system

Do you really get over someones death?

you will never get over it.. my father died when i was 5 and i still miss him and im sad that hes gone but it gets easier over time you just gotta think of the good things you did with him and how good his life was GoodLuck :)

How to get rid of acne and blemishes on my body and face?

Yes. In 13 and I have had acne of two years but bow it's gotten worse I have marks from old blemishes and my face is very oily I started to use proactive again an it seems like it's taking for ever to get rid of I was wondering if there was anything that could get rid if my acne faster.?

Any Professionals in Health and Social Sector Please Help!?

You could send out job CV's to any hospital and foster home organization which is where most social workers work and see if you'll get hired. Good luck!

Was this a stupid thing to say to a guy? Or did I do the right thing? Need answers?

My kind of boyfriend commented on a girls profile picture on facebook...and you could take what he said in two ways I guess. He commented on her photo and said "bow chicka wow wow" and I know that most often means something sexual so on an impulse since he wasn't online I sent him a message and kind of was trying to be light hearted about it but since we're together I wanted to ask him if he knew what that meant so my message went something like this "Hey, saw your comment on ___photo. Just curious, do you even know what "bow chicka wow wow" means?" I do a lot of things impulsively without thinking, and I'm worried I could have offended him for some reason because he has gotten mad at me lately for taking things too seriously. Was that the right thing to do?

How much wood this carlos bakery cake cost?

i want a round 2 layer red velvet cake with butter cream frosting. the bottom is to b blue and the top zebra print. i also want a blak bow made outta rice crispys or any other material on the top. the cake shood stand 6 - 9 inches tall.

Illegal Immigrants: What is it that you need right now?

We are not all "priests" and "levites" in Georgia. There are many good Catholic people anxious to be "Good Samaritans," but we aren't sure how? Do you need food, water, money, clothing? Are you very scared as July 1st approaches? Are you thinking of going into hiding or escaping to a more welcoming state? What can we do to help?

Name of movie where young girl lives in apartment and her nieghbor is a creepy fat guy with cats?

i remember seeing parts when i was younger i believe she had short hair (maybe with a bow in it) & disliked the fat guy. i can't find the name of it anywhere!!! i think it's a older movie but i can be wrong...

Why is racism such a taboo if it is true?

Like black people and dishonesty. My wallet must have fell out of my pocket on the bus yesterday (if some black person didn't pick pocket me) and I know damn well I won't get it back due to the fact that there weren't many good samaritan looking white people taking the bus. So i don't understand why I am considered the bad guy when that I am saying here is true. Not only is it not really honest its mostly just lack of thinking outside the realm of yourself in order to do something considerate for someone else, something you would want someone else to do for you if it so happened.

Is my finger fractured / broken?

You very well could have broken the finger, the blood is probably from broken blood vessels under the skin and nail. i would definitely have it looked at. Just to make sure.

Were the Samaritans a minority stream of Judaism?

Yes, and as late as the early 1970s still existed as an independent culture. They basically refused to accept the temple worship of the rest of Judaism and had some small Scriptural differences with Judaism. Since all religions magnify small differences about this or that into major controversies, they were regarded as wicked or heretics back 2000 years ago.

Will begin bi-sexual stop me going into heaven?

I am 15. And I am bisexual (I prefer men more though). I am a Christian, I do try hard to be a good samaritan. I do not judge people, I give back alot without begin skeptical, I accept everyone, I pray for everyone (even those that do not like me). So I try my best to be good, but I read over and over again that anyone who is gay will not see the gates of heaven. Is this true, I know homosexuality is a very controversial subject. Thanks for answering.

Can some one please register my UDID?

Almost every single bank in the world offers all card with visa or master card, it's just 5 dollars, you buy a coke with that

Fruit until lunch time?

I would do it the other way around. I would have a more substantial breakfast and fruit for lunch. I would have porridge, made from a mix of barley, oats and seeds, with either milk, water or both. This will keep you full, but not bloated, so when lunch rolls around a bit of fruit will just hit the spot.

CAN SOMEONE GIVE ME DISCOUNT ON BUYING A 'family and friends' rail card please..?

I am traveling to Cornwall in a few weeks time and its costing me �125 for me and my child by first great western train and its proving to be expensive. Is there a cheaper option or is there a good samaritan out there to help me please..x

Pls look at my song..!?

its really good,but it kinda scares me..i dont wanna listen to the song called "death" maybe its coz im not emo..


Are there a lot of cliffs in U.K.? I don't know, but I think they either throw things at the potential jumper until he/she falls, or they have a sniper shoot the person.

In all honesty, how long does it take to get weed out of your system?

I want to know how long it takes to have a clean drug test. Don't sugar coat it or say any of the "well if you do this, drink that, detox whatever", just straight up without doing any type of system cleansing how long does it take to be clean again?

What kind of baby doll is this?

I have a Cabbage Patch Kid baby doll that my grandma gave me, and I can't find it on the website. She is about 11 inches long, head to toe, with a closed mouth, a small stubby nose, very round purplish eyes, dimples, and a tuft of red curly hair on top of her head. She has a signature printed on her rear, Xavier Roberts or something, I can't read it. She came with a felt diaper, a one-piece outfit with a bow attached, a plastic pink bottle, a small carrier, a "birth certificate" and "adoption papers", and a fill-in-the-blanks baby book with things like 'my family tree' and similar things. She may have come with other things, I got her a few years ago and I haven't noticed her much until now. What is her "title" or whatever, like original or signature or whatever, and are they still in production? Thank you.

Can someone please give me some real advice?

my girlfriend and i have been dating for three months. two months ago she had a relapse on drugs, and things started going down hill. we argued all the time due to her mood swings. she recently went through detox, and has been trying really hard to stay clean. she attends meetings on her days off, and just went to seek counseling for the first time. since she has been working hard on this, i have been there to support her in every way. she isn't the same anymore. she isn't as moody, but you hardly ever see her smile anymore. sometimes i feel it would be best for us to take a break, so that she can focus on herself. she says we are fine, but it feels like she is just saying that to ease my stress. i don't know where to go from here. i am confused, i just don't know..... real advice only please......

Christians: the good samaritan?

When a Christian hates an atheist or any other person that is not a failing of Christianity but of the person. Christians are still people and still have to live with the earthly consequences of sin. I would also disagree with the last part of Old Timer's answer.

Parasites? humans?ewwww?

how do humans get parasites???? i am interested in thi because my dog has worms .im treating him for this... it made me kind of scared into thinking that humans can get them and hoe easily it is... doe anyone know is theres any over the counter detox for cleansing humans ? like walgreens .. i checked walmart but they sade they dont carry them....thanks

How Do UK Police Handle Suicidal People?

a href=";_ylt=ApoN..YBD7lPcCiy0scgfesgBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20110308043105AAizM13"…/a

What is a good name for a baby business?

I am starting a business selling/making hair bows, tutu's, petti rompers, shirts, skirts etc...I want the name to be a cute but prof name that will attract customers. Does anyone have any ideas? I have had a few but they are already taken :(

Sun conure laid 7 eggs...its been 4 weeks, how long will this last? It has been 4 weeks now. Can I stop her?

I have been following all the advice I have gotten. No more wet foods, lots of cuddle bone, no petting her except on the head, limited light. I just read on Goldie's blog that Goldie lays eggs more than once a year! I hope that won't happen with Buddy. Buddy is real pretty and knows it and does some amazing poses! She is a total alpha female but 7 eggs... They are infertile and it breaks my heart to see her work so hard. I bought 4 plastic eggs yesterday and put them in with the 7. Is there any natural remedies that I can give to her to make stop laying eggs? Spending $800 for an exotic pet vet to give her a a way I am most reluctant to go...She is still healthy and I have had bad experiences with my vet. Are there vet samaritans in the San Diego, California area? Please help, if you can! I have a friend who has a male sun conure but he has been to a vet several times due to feather plucking. I was offered by my friend to breed Buddy, but was reluctant due to the male's problem. None of my birds ever plucked their feathers. Is this a hereditary behavior? I would consider breeding her now because I can't stand to see her go through all that loving energy for nothing.

Best way to get marijuana out of your system!?

well I know it takes 30 days to flush it out of your system completely without detox, you don't smoke all that much but if you drink cranberry juice it acts as a detoxifying agent and you can just pee it all out.

Is it the drugs?????????????/?

my girlfriend and i have been dating for four months. she became hooked on snorting heroin three months ago, then went through detox, and has been trying to stay clean for the past 2 weeks. before she went into detox our sex life was great, but now she wont even hug me, she says that she is just not in the mood and it has nothing to do with me. is this do to her not being on drugs, or has she just lost intrest in physical attention? if it is due to the withdraw of drugs, how long will she be in this depressive state of mind?

Could my BF have HEP?

Yes it would have shown up in the blood tests. I'm sure one of the first things they would have tested for is hep c. Even in the unlikely hood that he does have it the chances of you contracting it through sexual contact are something like 1%. Hep c is usually transmitted from mother to child (during childbirth) through iv drug use or getting a tattoo with an infected needle. My friends husband had it and they were married 20 years and she never contracted it. They had unprotected sex and 3 children during the marriage with no issues so even if he has it you probably don't. The best thing to do is find out for sure if he's been tested then you can go from there.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Are the Samatarians any good ....have you contacted them?

If your mother abuses you you need to contact CPS immediatly. They'll place you with another reliable family member and your mom will be taken to jail. Keep in mind that abusing and losing ones temper are two different things, before you dive head first into something you'll regret. Good luck:)

What does detox tea do?

If I were to take detox tea everyday, would I lose weight? It looks really yummy LOL but I'm wondering if I'll lose weight! I'm not trying to lose anything LOL thanks! c:

How the **** can i get this thc outta my system its been over a month n im still pissin dirty?

okay so its been a little over a month probably 32 days. ive been working out constantly, cardio strength training, drinking tons of water daily. i dont get it how am i still positive for thc i have a drug test this week n i told the employer id be clean in a month for sure. im not! what the **** do i do. dont have a bunch of money either for some expensive detox drink. should i do cardio today or not im getting mixed answer from stoner friends telling me working out keeps it in?? i dont believe it. its been many years since ive been off bud n id smoke a few times a day everyday. does that mean its guna take mutiple months or what shitt this is rediculous!

What do you think is wrong with my parents dog?

I think my parents dog is having strokes. He will suddenly convulsively tilt his head to one side and the eye on that side will partially close. His body will also bend that way like a bow. He also has balance issues and starts walking sideways. Then he gets up again and is *fine* 5 seconds later. And I mean totally fine, complete with running and jumping and acting completely normal. This has been going on for a few years with maybe one episode a year, but in the last few days it has been happening 10-20 times a day. The vet did give them Diazepam 2mg and told them to give them half a tablet to stop the 'seizures' it's not really doing anything and I don't think that is the problem. My parents won't follow up or get him actually checked out. Any one have any ideas?

Jennings Compound Bow?

I just received a Jennings 25th Anniversary Compound Bow, I dont really know what type its suppose to be or whatever, but all I can see is the emblem on the side saying 25th anniversary. Im trying to find out what its worth, the only other thing on the side is a sticker that says "Shooting Star" any help would be greatly appreciated!

Does detox drink help you pass the pain of detoxing?

I know someone who has a problem with hydrocodomes and hates going through detoxing and gets really sick. Will the drink help them? Or is it temporary for piss testing.

Going in a parade anything to be aware of? Where to get Decorations?

I really have nothing to say but i have a question for you do you need to sign up to be in the parade or do we just go and ride? sorry i am being to dumb and asking instead of answering! but good luck.

Best detox tea available in Singapore?

Brand, where to find it etc. Preferably teabagged and not green tea kind, cos I really don't like green tea ><

Would this just be 'too much' for a country wedding?

I think you should wear it, it sounds pretty. It is awesome you know how to make a dress., be proud and wear it, weddings are meant to dress up.

What Should i wear Tonight Opinions wanted?

well i suggest you u can put your hair down and with some curls on the bottom those are cute only if u want ..your make up should be natural and pretty with your smoky eyes you should wear a nice tank top or blouse and skinny jeans with some flats and for accessories you can wear one of those pretty long necklace and some hoop earrings.

I have a question umm about like a year ago?

i got a tattoo on my finger its on the ring finger of my right hand its of a normal bow its black outlines and pink reddish shaded. i got it done by hand like without a gun just ink and a professional steralized needle, and its almost faded and i was wondering could i be a doctor even though i have that tattoo there? because one of my friends said i would have to cover it because its not healed or something like that even if yoyu've had it for years so im not sure if it will affect my career?

When Jesus-Christ, the son of God, God himself, gave us one simple rule to follow: LOVE....?

Why are christians digging and drowning in the OT when the answer is very simple: LOVE. Love the Lord, Love your neighbor, Love your enemies, Love each others, LOVE? Do you remember the parable of the Good Samaritan? It was not the priest, nor the levite who did God's will. But, it was the sinner (as considered by the jews).

How can I get my mom help?

You can not change her. You will have to take care of yourself and possibly your brother to. Nothing you can do for her she is an adulto and it is her choice to do the things she does. Try to protect yourself and hide your valuables as best you can she will take everything you have if you dont.

How to get Marijuana out of your system! help!?

Depending on the kind of tests they do...there really is NO WAY to 'get clean' other than sweet old time. No lecture from me...I smoked too. If it was just a urine test...well, I had to take a test 2 days after I smoked and I drank over a gallon of water about 15 hours before my test and it came back negative...but then again it could have been dumb luck. Wish i HAD A BETTER ANSWER FOR YOU. bEST OF LUCK.

I've had enough of life what now?

I can honestly say that I have had the same feelings. I know where you are because I have been there myself. You have got to get help. Please, do not do anything rash. Are you a christian? Perhaps talking to a man of the cloth will help you. I know that Jesus Christ has an unconditional love for you and I urge you to seek Him out. Remember this, the only way to get better is to keep breathing in and out. I will pray for you.

What is the name of the organization?

that you can write to and they'll help you with your feelings of depression. I'm pretty sure it's good samaritan or something like that, but I can't find it.

Your opinion on the bible?

I'm agnostic, but I actually like some of the morals in the bible. The whole magic man in the sky is probably a load of crap, but I like stories like the good Samaritan. your opinion?

THC out of my system? HELP?

On June 21, i was out with some friends at a going away party for my friend who was moving back to London. And of course, they had weed. The people I was around had 3 blunts and I had eh, 4 hits off of each one. I just got a job interview at Tilly's for this Friday (July 1). I'm 16, weigh around 130, and I'm 5"4'. I've been drinking a lot of water recently too. Do you think I'll pass the pee test? Any advice on how to make sure I can pass it and clear my system before then? Please, no remarks such as "Don't smoke" "Shouldn't have smoked" etc, obviously I already did and that will be no help. Also, don't tell me to buy a detox kit or anything like that. I'm 16. Not 35. I don't have the money to spend on things like that. I need te basic tips on what to do, what to drink. Thanks!

Bow does my boyfriend feel about me?

Just recently he txted " I love u condishnely" what is that supposed to me???? PS. sorry bout the way he wrote it ( not the right way)

Where to buy cheap moccasins?

Like the Ugg ones, (no studs or patterns or whatever, maybe just a little bow) but no more than $30 please.

What's happened to the kingdom of Israel and Judah?

according to the Bible the kingdom of Israel didn't survive and they disappeared and that's the reason many people claim to be jewish and descedents of the 12 tribes of Israel but where were they? where did they go? and the king of Judah or Judea survived to the dominations and they were exiled to Babylon but they survived why is that? according to the Bible when they got back to Israel, they found people living in that region according to some people they were the palestinians or samaritans or who were those living after the exile of people of Israel and Judah?

Is Dr.Dre's Detox ever going to be released?

No. This whole Detox album had so much hype and anticipation for so many years, that nobody even cares anymore. No one gets excited about a single or a leaked song. I think Dre should let it go... Or release as a mixtape.

Would anyone be willing to activate my udid on my ipod?

I saw the ios 5 beta was out and with me being a technology geek i wanted to check it out problem is my udid is not registered to a developer account. I had another ipod that was registered but the screen broke and apple gave me a new one so now i have to get it registered. I should also point out i am flat BROKE so i cant pay for it. I am simply looking for a good samaritan that will lend a 15 year old a hand. Thank you for your time.

Is the universe expanding because God stretched it out in the beginning?

Your God and our Big Bang and basically the same thing, in either case i'd say the universe is expanding and will continue to do so.

Will I be able to pass my drug test?

I use to be a daily marijuana smoker until I went to jail for 45 days. I smoked one bowl when I got home on june 19th, and then made the stupid mistake of taking a few hits off of a joint on june 24th. I'm 5'0 in height, and usually weigh about 110, but I gained 8-10 lb over the 45 days that I plan on losing soon. My first probation meeting is july 12th, will I be able to pass the drug test if I drink water and exercise? I want honest opinions and answers, but nothing rude please. I'm scared but I plan to stay 100% clean after this. If anyone knows of anything that might help, besides detox drinks, it would be much appreciated. Thanks!!

A question about colon cleansing and detox?

I know what you mean about the diet, but a colonic irrigation is a glorified enema, and they should NEVER be used without medical supervision, i.e. in cases of extreme constipation. If done on a regular basis, except in certain medical situations where the colon simply doesn't work on its own, the colon becomes dependent on it and eventually stops working altogether. Leave Well Alone; if there's a problem, go to the doctor.

GOOD stretches for allstar flyers?

I am an allstar cheerleader, and i need wanna improve my flexability more. i have a bow n arrow & free stretch, but i wanna make it even better, and i have a good scorpian, but it could be better, so if you know of any good stretches, ecspicaly for scorps, i would love to know them! thanks

What is a good detox diet? (not too difficult to follow)?

I am 5' 2" and 180 lbs. I want to lose 60 lbs. I want to start with a detox/cleanse for at least a week. I can't do anything to complicated or time-consuming; I have a baby and am on a limited budget.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Master Cleanse Diet.....Detox Question?

Okay, Im not going on the "Master cleanse" diet to lose weight but I have heard that the lemonade works for clearing your body of toxins. However, I have a question. I planned to do the diet for 5 days to clear my body, but when I am done with the detox does this mean I have to stop smoking ( I smoke cigarettes and go to hookah bars sometimes). I am not going to smoke while I am detoxing, but I want to smoke when I get done with the detox. Will I be defeating the purpose of detoxing? Will the smoke bring back ALL of the toxins I cleared my body of or will the cleanse at least clear some of the toxins? Just asking because I told my friend that "I cant wait until this is over to have a cig" and he said everything you got rid of will instantly come back if you smoke.... please enlighten me

Compound bows how to tell how far?

A little knowledge goes a long way, science stuff aside most 40lb draw weight bows can toss an arrow 150yds or more. With the right bow, arrow and field point or broad head some draw weights down to 25lbs can accomplish that. What the difference is in the state regs from state to state is a lack of understanding of the mathematics in archery. Those that know the formulas know what gear they can use to comply with the law. Those that really want to take game and have quick clean kills don't go by the "minimums" but by what they know will do the job best. Nearly every states hunter education makes this point. Most hunters use bows in the 50lb -75lb + draw weight for great penetration in all game.

What is a good and fast detox?

i need sumthing tht will totally flush out my system. it can b home made or boughten( at a reasonable price im 15 and dont got a job)

Christians:What do you think it means when you hear about a death sentence in the bible?

Like not being a virgin on your wedding night (Deuteronomy� 22:20-21 NAB),Killing the Good Samaritan (2 Samuel 6:3-7 NAB),killing the children of sinners(even if they are infantile and sinless) (Isaiah 14:21 NAB), and doesn't murder those who deserve to be killed �(Jeremiah 48:10 NAB).

Isn't it a shame how last night?

This is the behavior that the left has adopted. If they can't get people to conform to their ideals. They will eventually use violence.

How has Christianity become so legalistic?

I'm a Christian and I get many complaints from friends that Christianity is legalistic & sort of "the man" in a sence. It's really interesting to hear this because, when you read Jesus' stories, he was the rebel of rebels. I mean, talk about a rebel. Jesus was the emo rebel kid of His day times 1000. He hung out with prostitues, Samaritans (the hated race of his day), tax collectors (the irs of his day), the unclean and practically invented women's rights. How is it that Christianity has become all about legalism when, if you look back, Jesus was the greatest rebel of all time?

A good place to buy beats pro detox?

Absolutely not legit. You do know that the Detox costs $600, right?? There is no way that any legit website would be selling them for $160. Although that's probably a more realistic valuation....

My brother treats me and my dad like rubbish?

He is in his 30s and everytime he comes he always ends up asking my dad for money (most likely to buy crack or drink beers!) he promised us he would go and sort himself out, something like detox but he didn't bother, he was out in a couple of days. He lets my dad down all the time when they 'plan' something, and whenever he is here, he thinks he knows it all and talks sh!t. He hasn't came up to see my dad today and it's father's day, so l left him a msg telling him to grow up and start treating him with respect and he ended up being rude and started shouting at me, and saying l'm a useless piece of sh!t. l don't know what to do, my dad always ends up taking his side! Maybe because he is the only son out of 4 sisters but it really, really upsets me. Did l have a right to message him saying that?....

What's considered long-term niacin use? And when do i need to worry about liver toxicity?

I am a former Medical Marijuana patient. I have never known anything to detox marijuana from you. It shows on a blood test. Watch out for flushing (along with itching, and a feeling of itching in your stomach and throat). Use the min. dose of anything - that way, you avoid risks to your body. Employers will piss test you endlessly (I don't blame them for doing a full drug screen, if I were an employer I wouldn't want an employee who was a crack head). My opinion on medical marijuana is different, I would allow it.

Is there a fast, anonymous way to get suicide help that is not by phone?

I'm depressed, and have been contemplating suicide the past three years, well really after three certain occasions. I'm a freshman in college, and with in the last three years people close to me have died due to different causes, the last one being the suicide of my boyfriend. I just sent an email to that "Samaritans" website, and I believe, they are suppose to reply within 24 hours. I didn't want to call that suicide help line, but now I'm afraid I'll have to. Though I've hidden the tools for my destruction, the suicidal thoughts are haunting the waking hours of my life right now! I don't want to worry my family. Who can I turn to for confidential and anonymous help?

People argue that health is a right, and it should not be denied to anyone. Evaluate this argument?

It's for economics, so to all of you good Samaritan aspirant social workers please don't spout your equality and no poverty arguments

I was taking vicodin and percocets for a while now and how do i detox in 3 days?

I was perscribed vicodin es for a long time and my doc left and i had to get a new doctor and they took me off of them and i have a lot of back problems and they helped it wasnt like i was doing it for the fun of it. So i dont get a percription for them now and my mother and aunt gave me some because my back has been hurting bad lately and i didnt want to go to the er and look like a junkie. So my mom gave me 5 vicodin 5mgs and my aunt gave me 3 percocet 15mgs and i only took them whn i needed them. And now i have to piss for children services and i afraid that i will get in trouble or worse. And i took them for the past 5 days i took 4 of the vicodin and all the percocets... ( not at once in a five day period ) but i need some awnsers and quick because i dont have a perscription for them and i have to do it monday??? Please give me some advice... ( worried )

Why is my Double Wide Mobile Home Bowing in the middle HELP?

I'm installing a double wide mobile home now and when they put the two pieces together the side that has all of the mechanical stuff gets a bow up(warp) on the middle of the home on the floor. Why is it doing that? What do I have to do so it will not do that? Thank You.

Why do so many believe the women of the bible were less than men?

Because Christianity is an inherently patriarchal religion that denigrates women and treats them as second-class citizens.


I have to take a drug test and I took an adderall and I never do drugs EVER... I drink but I'm 22 and I use to be prescribed adderall and I took one the other day to focus on studying.. (wish I didn't) but now I have a drug test in two days!! I'm an athlete and I was wondering if I could sweat it out????

Liverpool what happens next for the leagues greatest team?

Kenny will get a New Contract on the last day next season we will beat Man City and win the League and send you to the Championship

Wll these activists be jailed for stealing dogs meant for the dinnr table?

Activism in dangerous when one lives in a despot's walled garden. Activists are not safe in China, no matter what is their cause.

Could I lose 25-30 pounds by September on this plan?

Yes, you can lose 25-30lbs by September while doing this. You have to make sure that you do this every single day. Green tea definitely helps, and I know this from experience and from my friends also. By September you will be 25-30lbs lighter. Good luck, and I hope this helped.

Hi is it okay to take the herb dandelion with a hair,nail, skin vitamin? I am afraid that the dandelion might?

Hi is it okay to take the herb dandelion with a hair,nail, skin vitamin? I am afraid that the dandelion might detox my body and remove the vitamins from my body so I won't be able to see the effects of the hair, skin, nails vitamins.

Hello kitty big bow nerdy glasses?

where can you buy hello kitty big bow nerdy glasses?? Like is there a store or do you have to order them online? and where? hehee thanks bunches!

Has Dr. Dre been making 1 track a year for Detox?

He's a "perfectionist" as you can read on his wikipedia page. Let's just hope he doesn't spend ANOTHER 7 years on a album that will PROBABLY only have around 15 tracks...

Christians, if Jesus wanted you to be Christians, why didn't he say so when he was here?

For example. The good Samaritan woman. He didn't ask her to convert into a Christian. He didn't ask the disciples to be Christians. So if Jesus wanted us to be Christians, why didn't he say so when he was here?

Lord Of The Rings or Star Wars?

People say thatthe Lord of the rings books are for adults.... I read them when I was 11 and understood them GREATLY. I KNOW Lord of the Rings is better, but do you? I personally think George Lucas and JK Rowling copied JRR Tolkiens masterpiece story line. Think, a nobody trying to realize his destiny (Aragorn first, Luke second, Harry Potter third.) The JERK Peter Jackson made everyone almost as pansie as Luke. Lukes always all "Why ME?" and "Not Again!" and yet these little 12 year olds find him "THE GREATEST HERO EVER." More storyline, a strong but small group (first the Fellowship of the Ring, then the "rebellion" then Dumbeldores army) trying to do the unthinkable. An old guy with a magic force who greatly loves the young (Frodo, Luke Pansie-walker, Harry Potter) these old guys all have magic powers (Gandalf, Ben Kenobi, Dumbledore.) And when it comes to fighting, Lord of the Rings characters would anihilate them all. Being in the time of swords, axes, and bows, they are all VERY strong and brave. Wielding a sword or axe for 3 days straight in ONE siege takes MUSCLE. Harry Potter people flick their arm and wield a twig. For 2 minutes. In Star Whores (woops) a light saber or futuristic blaster is light as a feather. Do you guys agree that Lord of the Rings is the original, base of most storylines, BEST BOOK SERIES EVER?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Christians:What Would Jesus Do About Nationalism?

Nationalism and communism are responsible for the most grave atrocity's since history began he would oppose both of these systems. nationalism has been around a long time in different forms and communism in its short history has more than compensated for its short time as an active system with its genocidal tendencies.

Bow and arrow with 3 strings? which string to use?

im new to archery and i bought a bow today. The bow has 3 strings . my dad showed me which string to use and it shoots well. what are the other 2 strings for?the bow uses a spinning wheel for the shot. i think its a composite

Why do Lil wayne and Jay z SWEAR they're the best rappers alive!?

both weezy and jay have lyrical talent, you can't deny that, but NEITHER is the best at what they do! first of all, wayne wants to say he's the best rapper alive probably to make himself feel better, because he is not. he can spit, but his rap voice (or high voice) is retarded, and he always raps about alot of the same stuff- his money and girls. i like his song "6 foot 7 foot" and "drop the world" but personally i think if you wanna call yourself the best you should have more variety, you know, switch it up a bit so you can stay consistent in the game,especially with his "young money" crew. that whole crew is whack except for tyga, drake,nicki minaj cuz even if you dont prefer them they have talent and know how to spit. and Jay Z? Yeah, he's great and all, but he SWEARS he's some type of god and everyone should praise and bow to him because he's a lyrical genius. idk who it is that's gassin up Jay, but he is NO god and def. not the best rapper either! just because he's been in the game for a long time doesn't mean your the best out of all of em. for example, britney spears has been around for a while and had many hits,but that mean she is the best pop singer ever? HELLLLLL NAW. this is a valid opinon, and your opinions are too, but i think Eminem is the best out of them all. alot of ppl sleep on him just cause he's white, and that's not fair to him. i would say Nas too but im just a teen and nas if before my time so i dont really get into him. no rude comments on my opinions, kay? just make your own, i wanna hear em!

BEST compound bow between 300-400 dollars?

im looking for a compound bow right now. i have never used one i have always used either rifle or shotgun. im looking to use it for deer and black bear. i need a gun in that price range and left handed. i also need one with a long draw considering im 6,4 i have long arm span and what kind of broadhead do you use? here are the ones im looking to choice from

Can anyone help me think of this song?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How can I start eating proper meals?

I once saw a lady on tv who was eating junk food all day and every day, and the solution, which I suppose was a temporary one was to put the initial emphasis on the type of food rather than the quantity. So instead of her pigging herself on chocolate and soft drinks at lunch time, she would make an equal pig of herself with fruit and vegetables. In my own case, I know I eat too much chocolate and I want to switch to fruit but the problem is being prepared and having enough fruit in the right place at the right time.

Detox drink to be clean of thc on my urine test?

Unfortunately, THC will stay in your system a long time, even with detox drinks. Some people claim that detox drinks will get rid of the THC in your system, but this claim is entirely false. The only way to get clean urine is not to use THC for at least 30-45 days before your test. If you already have, then you are screwed. There are no teas, diets, fads, or pills that will clean out your system before the test.

What can we give our dog to help speed up her detox from an overrage of a pain medicine?

we accidentally have our dog too much of her pain meds, and the vet said as long as she isnt vomitting she isn't vomitting she doesn't need to come in. But she is very lethargic and we wanted to know if there is something we can give her to excelerate the detox process?

How do I rosin a new violin bow?

I've done about 30 up and down strokes with the rosin, and the bow is hardly making a sound, any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?

How do i tell my kids there mum is dead?

hi this evening my wife was travelling home from a day out shopping when she came across the scene of an accident being the good samaritan that she was she got out to help and as she was ccrossing the motorway to help the injured people a car struck her with such impact that she died instantly she was only 41 years old and had everything to live for .when i got the news i rushed straight down to the scene where they were about to take my beautiful wife away on a stretcher it hasnt hit me yet that shes actually gone when i got home my four kids who are 16,15,8 and 2 asked me where there mum was all i could say wasshes gone out with her friends to a party and shes staying away tonight im now feeling so guilty about telling them that but i cant bear to tell them that their lovely mum is gone .please help me and give me a few suggestions that i could say to the kids in the morning i want to be completely truthful with them

Where is the best place to live in CA near my job?

I agree, Porter Ranch is a much nicer area than Northridge, Granada Hills, etc.. With you making that much money, you could afford it.

Good vintage clothing stores close to New Hampshire, USA?

hey try this one it sounds like your kinda thing a href="" rel="nofollow"

Drug test in five days...?

If you drink LOTS of water and tea the drugs can be out of your blood in 10-15 days and out of your urine in 5. You should still be pretty worried no matter where you're tested though, but the water should help.

My grand son's class is studying the parable of the good Samaritan in school this week? he is in catholic scho?

Mr. Smartypants has it right. All I'll add is that the first two travelers who went by the injured man without stopping were a priest and a Levite, both highly religious men. As far as following the letter of the law you probably couldn't have found better, but they lacked the compassion to stop and help.

What rap/hip hop songs' main verse is "she wanna be my she can be my star"? it mentions a "young ty"..?

the song definitely isnt the one by omarion and bow wow. It starts slow in the beginning...might be hard to find because its not popular.

What crimes are deserving of eternal torture?

depends on your basis, cuz Buddha dont give a **** whether you believe on him or not, while the god of the old testament wants you to sacrifice for him, while the new testament punishes you for not accepting the spirit. While the Quran hates people who dont wear proper clothing. So it depends on the basis of the religion.

Is it wrong for a 19 year old boy to hit on a 13 year old girl?

Yes, it is wrong. Quite wrong. You are not overreacting at all, and your parents will thank you for it (provided your parents are level-headed, rational people, as I assume they are). The age of consent varies state by state, but there is no state with an age of consent lower than 16 years old. Please do your sister and yourself a favor and talk with your parents about him as soon as possible.

Constant pain on the left side of my chest?

You could just have a muscle spasm or indigestion. Take something for indigestion, you may have a gas pocket from that. I want to warn you about drinking too much green tea. It could cause kidney stones. This is what happen to my sister. She was drinking too much green tea. Her Dr. told her to stop drinking it. Green tea is good in moderation but not in excess, It has a chemical in it that forms kidney stones. Drink more water or water you tea down more.

Is this what John 4: 34-39 could mean?

That Jesus Christ is the planter of the crops and the crops are the Gospel/Good News, and the harvesters and the people who harvest the Gospel and believe in the Gospel and follow the Gospel?Like the harvesters are the Samaritans? That if the Samaritans believed in Jesus they would be glad together like how its says in John 4:36? It was hard for me to understand this metaphor of the crops in the Gospel of John. Even after looking at interpratations this is what i thought of.

Is it a withdraw issue or is she just not attracted to me anymore?

my girlfriend and i have been dating for four months. she became hooked on snorting heroin three months ago, then went through detox, and has been trying to stay clean for the past 2 weeks. before she went into detox our sex life was great, but now she wont even hug me, she says that she is just not in the mood and it has nothing to do with me. is this do to her not being on drugs, or has she just lost intrest in physical attention? if it is due to the withdraw of drugs, how long will she be in this depressive state of mind?

What to wear with a burgundy beret/beanie hat?

You can wear burgundy with whites but you can make a baby pink that's close to white if you're not that girly or make a yellow, or orange beanie.

Can I sue a good samaritan for calling an ambulance against my wishes, costing me $3400?

I fell on my bike and bloodied my nose but it looked a lot worse than it was. I didn't even need help but this guy kept trying to tell me to hold my head up. When he started calling I explicitly told him I DID NOT WANT AN AMBULANCE but he called anyway. So then when the ambulance comes he pretty much forces me to get on. In the end I didn't even need stitches, it was a really minor injury with a lot of blood. I don't have insurance so now I owe the hospital 3400 f***ing bucks. The douchebag even gave me his name/number/address probably expecting a gift.

I am looking in the Bible for examples of opposites working together or doing good for one another.?

Rahab the harlot hid the two spies in Jericho. They gave her a scarlet cord to hang out of her window to be saved. She and her family were the only ones saved as the walls fell down. She is listed in the family bloodline of Jesus. I think of Daniel taken captive twice. First to Babylon, and then to Medo Persia. He served both faithfully when they didn't come between him and God's Word. Then Joseph was sold as a slave by his brothers. He was accused of being inappropriate with a government official's wife. He spent a few years in prison. He saved all of Egypt and the surrounding countries, including the lives of his brothers from starvation.

How do I detoxify my body?

First off, I prefer inexpensive suggestions since I don't have the means of paying for anything extra. What I do have at home is colon cleanse, lots of oatmeal, water, herbal tea, and a few fruits and veggies lying around (apple, mango, bananas, and carrots). Will these help me detox and what else can I do? Thanks!

Summer Diet Plan Help?

Not what you want to hear, but Master Cleanse and detoxing are scams and fads and do not work in the longterm. You'll be basically starving yourself, your metabolism will adjust by decreasing and any weight you lose will come back quickly. Losing 20-25 lbs is a reasonable goal you could manage by September. Weight Watchers and have great programs and resources. Good luck.

Whether God Exists or not, should our goal not be to secure our own Personal Immortality?

That view is incredibly selfish. Good luck with glorifying yourself so you live forever like a god. I will stick with my limited life span like everyone else and do the best to help others with the life I have.

Has anyone used "The Samaritan Card?"?

I am a youth pastor at a church in Indiana and was interested in anyone who has used, or heard of, "The Samaritan Card." I would like to know if this is a legitimate fundraiser and if anyone has had any success with this fundraiser.

Can someone trade me a Smart pokemon with max smartness?Please?

I need a good smart pokemon to beat the master rank contest, my mewtwo and mew aren't touching the masters, so does any good samaritan out there want to trade me?

Will I pass a drug test that I have this week?

I'm 5'3"-5'4"ish and weigh about 130lbs. I barely ever smoke...but I smoked weed on Saturday night, and the job I interview for is hiring tomorrow(monday), and I'm nervous that I will get the job. I know they drug test, but I didnt know that they hadnt hired anyone yet. I just figured that I didnt get the job. If I use Jazz DEtox drug cleansing system, the nisson pills, a little bit of vinegar, and a lot of tea make me clean by at least wednesday or thursday? DOes walgreens or walmart sell home drug tests so I could check for myself? Will any of the above make the test administrator think I tried to dilute my urine, especially the Jazz detox? I know weed is bad, so those comments are unnecessary. Thanks!

What are the effects to the baby if i detox during pregnancy?

in response to that last post telling you to grow up~ THIS IS AN ADVICE FORUM! DON'T SLAM ON MATURING MOTHERS LOOKING FOR ADVICE ON HOW TO BETTER HER CHILDS FUTURE LIFE!!!! CRAZY ******!!!...anywayz now that, that's off my chest....Detox can, sometimes, be FATAL to an unborn child, DEPENDING ON WHTA YOUR DETOXING FROM...I know that telling ur OB that ur on Drugs is a scary idea! But they could provide you w/ a temporary "in between" that wud be safe for you and the baby...I AM PROUD TO SEE YOU TRYING TO DO WHATS BEST! KEEP IT UP =D and GOOD LUCK TO YOU BOTH!

How shall I style my hair? NEED ANSWERS NOW!?

Im a girl! I have dirty blonde, brownish hair. It's just above my shoulders and curly. I don't wanna straighten it. I have basic hair stuff like clips, hair grips, bows, hair ties, Alice bands and flower clip aswell. It can't be stuff like French plaits because they take to long. HELPP!

ITunes is messing up I don't know what is going on?

Ok so I had these songs: I want candy (by bow wow wow), it's raining men( by weather girls), u spin me right round like a record(by dead or alive).. So I go to iTunes to download a song called the first time (by the script) and it starts downloading those songs instead of the song I want and when I lisen to them they r not the songs and I don't want them I don't know why they on there I just want the song by the script.. Why do I do pls help thanks

How to get my health back to normal?

Anyone know anything that I can take for a healthy immune system as mine is very low and I'm ill Alot!! I'm willing to pay money for any cure,detox....anything that actually works

English expressions of Biblical origin?

I am an atheist, But, now a highschool English teacher, I want to teach my students about the high number of phrases of Biblical origin in the English language, such as "the widow's mite," "the good Samaritan," "suffer the little children," etc. Can anyone provide an extended list of such expressions, either from own memory or a link to a website listing many more? As I said, I am not religious by any means, but the fact is, the Christian Bible has had a great influence on the literature of the English language and I think that students should investigate that influence.

On a scale of 1 to 10 bow bad is not having breakfast and lunch everyday?

I usually don't eat breakfast or lunch everyday, I wake up at 8:00 and eat dinner between 5:00 and 7:00

How can it be my fault?

Today I didn't want to do crap and I'm the one that gets in trouble... oh I didn't put the damn mail in the correct bin for redirect, and the mail clerk gets pissed at my co worker and he started to yell at the mail clerk and made her cry. I didn't care, I just went into the delivery vehicle and passed out. Then we got pulled over for not wearing and got in trouble and fined a ticket for it. I was like whatever... Then yeah, I buy coffee maker just because I'm getting tired of buying 5 dollar cups of coffee from damn starbbucks, and yelled at the damn cashier for making crappy coffee, I was like what the hell when a supposed good samaritan tried to get angry at me for yelling a 15 year old that was crying for making a mistake on her first day. I was damn f#ck you all and skipped out on the rest of the work day and passed out in my room. How the hell can this be my fault?

Can you help me with the name of this song?

There is this fast paced song that I can't think the name of. It sounds like he says 'get on detox graviced.' at one part and the guy talks fast and his words sound a bit slurred. I also know those aren't the exact words that he says but that sounds somewhat like what I remember. It sounds kinda like techno but I don't remember clearly enough to remember how it exactly sounded. it may have been a mix or something also.

Monday, July 18, 2011

What dress is sexier? (guys please)?

this is for a party, what dress looks sexier? here they are - (in white) or,50.000&Rf-300=1944&sh=0&pge=2&pgesize=20&sort=-1&clr=Cream (in black) thanks.

Where can i find a sailor dress?

Try the term 'sailor fuku'. That's what the Japanese schoolgirl uniform is called that looks like a sailor's outfit, so it might get you better results.

What are some good foods or drinks that help to clear out and detox your body?

I just quit drinking alcohol and pepsi and chocolate and fast food. I want to truly go healthy. I've started running, walking, weight-lifting and have already lost 9 pounds and am taking a multi-vitamin twice daily.

What is theme for the parable of a good samaritan?

It is in answer - in brief to a lawyer asking 'Who is my neighbour?' that the law says I should love. The story is about help coming from the most surprising of places, but ultimately being about humanity!

How long is the riser on a Samick Sage Recurve bow 10 points first correct answer?

I believe it's 36 inches but I have no clue on anything about a bow so it's just a random guess I hope I'm right

Good recipe for a detox?

So my sister and I want to try a detox for this week, and we are looking into different drinks to have during the week as well as raw veggies and fruit. What's a good recipe we can use that is basic and simple?

Will I lose some pounds in 2 days?

Depends upon what you currently weight. But...yes, you will likely lose a bit of weight in two days.

Does drinking alot of fluids help to rid your system of THC from Marijuanna use?

Me and my friend are getting drug tested, we used to smoke everyday but we got clean and passed our tests after about a month of not smoking after we passed we each smoked about two times but we are getting tested again in 2 -4 days and last time we smoked was friday night about 3 days ago. tonight alone we've dranken a shitt ton of water and gatorade and coffee and pissed about 6 or 7 times each. does drinking alot and peeing alot help rid your system of the THC? we are getting tested by a shitty CVS drug test that only tests for marijuanna in your piss and can only be used once. tommorow we are gonna go to a sauna and try to sweat it off as well, will that help too? any suggestions on how to get it out of our systems except for using a detox cause thats out of the question will be appreciated. and please no answers saying you shouldn't smoke in the first place cause i dont wanna hear it. please and thank you :)

Has anybody seen these signs of Islam?

Like maybe these pictures are old to the muslims, etc. But has anybody seen these. This is an actual tree in Germany I believe, they had to cover it with metal gates or something like that so you know the public won't be able to see or whatnot. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a Oh and it says in english 'There is no God but Allah (God)' meaning like one God only, etc. Here is another one if you want to look at a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a It's a guy in prayer called 'Ruku' in Arabic meaning bowing in English, yeah. And the tree is facing the holy Kaaba which is Muslims face towards to when praying.

Are there any phone helplines for people who actually HAVE high-functioning Autism/Asperger's Syndrome (UK)?

I hear you. I constantly ask people, "What do you think happens to all those autisitc kids? We grow up!" Have you tried looking at the GRASP website?

I really don't know what to do anymore. Someone help?

I feel the same way, you're not alone. But because of that I can't really provide any advice because I am seeking those answers too. Just know aren't alone. And your psychiatrist can't tell anyone what you say, there is a confidentiality law.

Early in His ministry, what was Jesus' message to the Samaritan woman at Jacob's Well?

She was the first person to to whom he revealed himself as the Messiah, and as the one through whom all promised blessings to mankind would flow.

What is NHS: Direct like for mental health problems (UK)?

you have problems. but what are they. you seem very coy about things secretive has well. all i can suggest is being frank about whats bothering you. other wise you cant be advised.

How do you see the coming of the "All New" Anti Communal Violence Bill?

Any law which stands judicial scrutiny and is applied equally on all citizens is a welcome step .The concerns of opposition party should be addressed :-) because in our country every political party is capable of playing communal politics !!

Please answer if you have fasted?

have fasted but only for a period of one day on Fast Sundays so I don't think it's the same thing. For me the method of prep is simple really/ I have a fridge magnet that says Fast Sunday that I put on the fridge door Saturday on retiring to remind me not to eat the next morning. Sorry to be of so little help,In my faith we fast regularly once a month and give the money that we would have spent on those meals to the needy.Guess you might consider that complacency detox!

Is it possible to get an officer punished for this?

he is right your friend is in obstruction he should have interfered you all should have all just went home that night and let the officer do his job. Some people need to be forcefully arrested. There is nothing saying that an officer cannot use force to detain someone, although there is excessive force but nothing is wrong with a forceful arrest if the subject is not being compliant. This officer will not be punished if it is by the book. This all should have been on camera as alot of the stuff nowadays is.

Which of these themes should be the theme for my new log cabin fort (options listed)?

Artemis, Artemis, Artemis. Or at least that is what my daughter would say. She did a report on her in both the 8th grade and then again in the 9th grade.

Can you please suggest a good song for church?

Can anyone please suggest a good song to play in church? The topic of the mass is centered around the story of "The Good Samaritan".

Girls, would you have gotten jealous if this happened to your boyfriend/husband?

Definitely not. It's not that big of a deal anyway, and you obviously weren't soliciting her, nor did you really have any control over the situation.

Will Samaritans be free on a mobile contract?

It says it costs the same as a local landline, more for mobiles. But if I get 600 minutes free would it be included in that?

I am all alone in the world, out of options and suicide seems an ever increasing possibility.?

Talk to a counselor/psychologist about your problems. Take a break from university and just find your feet. Your life might be awful now but you can always make it better and you are young so yo have lots of time to fix things up.

How Do UK Police Handle Suicidal People..??? RE POSTING BECAUSE HAD NO ANSWERS. PLEASE REPLY!!!?

The police will usually try and prevent people from committing suicide because that is seen as the irrational act of an unwell person. The methods they use to prevent the person from acting will vary on the circumstances.

Basketball:Heat will 7peat u mad?

Starting next year! Our first year as a team we made the Freaking Finals! We will just get better every year and LBJ and Wade will work even better together and LBJ won't underperform in the 4th quarter anymore and learn to be clutch. Heat will win next season and the other seasons that comes after. Bow down to the Heat while u still have a chance! Because we will dominate the NBA the next 7 years and LBJ will be the GOAT and Wade will be his superstar sidekick U mad?

Do you get the feeling that today's society would rather live under communist rule?

I would rather starve than live under another labour government, and as a commited pacifist i would take up arms and slaughter anyone who tried to impose communism. I don't mind going hungry i did it before but i'm not going to wait in line for bread and still end up hungry after waiting for 8 hours.

Is the bear "whitetail hunter" a good bow?

It will put an arrow where you want it to go, but by no means is it a "good" bow. She'll still kill bucks like any other bow though.

The Good Samaritan Parable: Which one are you?

The Levitt most likely. Not the samaritan anyway. It is not that I do not try to be the samaritan, but most times I just pass over.

What is the point voting conservative if they raise the debt ceiling?

Wall Street wants that money dumped into the system just like they wanted QE1 and QE2. Read my lips, Republicans will raise the debt ceiling. They would make it look like oh we put conditions on it but you will still bow to your Wall Street masters.

Can anyone help me to get Bert Dominic's Filipino singer e-mail add or contact number please..?

He's an old friend of mine, i've lost my wallet and also his contact info..please any good samaritan help me out. I'd be really appriciate it..tq tq tq

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Want to make a deal Republicans, block the debt ceiling and I will vote for you?

This is your chance to show the American people that you are real conservatives still. I know Wall Street wants that money dumped into the system and you will bow to their command. Republicans will put "conditions" on it but will not be a conservative at the end of the day. And one of those conditions better not be raising the retirement age or you will not get the youth vote again like in 2008.

Can i get into berkeley?

That all looks good, but how are your grades? The average GPA of freshman accepted there this year was about 4.1. Just saying.......

Is killing someone in self defense really inconsistent with Christianity?

The comandment is "thou shalt not kill" not "thou shalt not kill unless in self defense".

When will I know if I passed my drug test?

I woke up at 5:30 this morning at took 4 aspirin. I had some dry toast and then drank 3 bottles of water. About 2 hours before my test, I drank a Value detox drink, then, as directed, filled the bottle with water and drank it. I urinated 3 times before my test and drank one more bottle of water. My urine was a light yellow. I took the test and they put my urine into two vials and sealed them up to send them to Medtox labs. I'm 5'2" and weigh about 150 pounds. I hadn't smoked in 2 1/2 weeks and had not been a very heavy user recently. What do you think my odds are and when will I know?

The feelings are coming back again, what's wrong with me and what should I do? I'm scared and desperate?

To the person who says it's SAD don't listen to her. It sounds like recurring major depression, you need to speak to someone if you want to get better it is the only way, what is lying in bed going to do? You have to speak to a professional so that you can get an accurate diagnoses. Also often when you bottle things up it makes the emotional pain twice as strong. Talk to a family member so they understand what you are going through and so they can help you. Hope you feel better soon :). @naomii your an idiot if you read the question she says she feels better in december. If it was SAD she would be feeling low all through winter.... Do your research before you give people bad information. Infact it sounds more like bipolar then SAD.

How come answerers always give answers irrelevant to the question.?

Everytime I see a question about someone asking how to roll a blunt, or how to grow weed, or what's the best way to smoke weed, people just totally go off topic and say **** like "dude drugs r bad for u!!" and **** like that, don't you think we KNOW that? Weed ain't even bad, you gain more then you lose, and you don't even lose anything! So why do people insist on being a samaritan and try to be our life-coach,

Did Jesus come for the House of Israel or for the gentiles?

For the lost sheep of Israel, Remember He said must I give the bread of the children to the dogs? Yet because of the woman's faith He healed her daughter.

What is somthing interesting i can do to write on my personal statement?

i have this summer then i need to start writing my personal statement for universtiy so im trying to do as many different and interesting things to really stand out from the crowd, since everyone elses personal statement seems same old, ive recently become a samaritan listener with the helplines and i have linked up with a penpal on death row usa. i really want to stand out and be tottally unique. any ideas?

Used a face mask by Arborne? It was a sea mud detox mask?

No, you either left it on too long no more than 15-20mins or your skin is too sensitive. It should not have left your skin red. A Seamud detox mask is for people who have pimples, and precisely is to dry the oils causing much of the outbreak. Maybe you need something that is not so drying. Put cold towels (that won't take away the redness but cool your skin) or put flour (cooking flour) on your skin for 10 minutes and it should take away the redness, and burning sensation.

What life lessons are found in the parable of the good Samaritan; what about judging by appearance?

Even though their actions showed a lack of compassion, weren't the "spiritual" leaders who ignored the beaten man the most highly esteemed by the spiritual community?

How to make a fondant ribbon for bottom of cake?

I am making a fondant cake and I was wondering how to make a fondant ribbon to go around the bottom of the cake and then a simple bow on the ribbon to complete it? All suggestions appreciated, thnx guys! :D

Can you make a bow out of a very small osage orange tree?

I know that osage orange trees are good trees for making longbows (and other types of bows), but can you make a bow out of a small osage orange tree with approximately a 3 inch diameter?

Volunteering at Childline - travel expenses?

Hi. I really want to volunteer with either Childline or the Samaritans. I'd like to work in administration. I'm just wondering if these organisations will pay travel expenses though? I know that both reimburse travel costs when actually working, but I've read that there may be a large amount of training sessions. Would the cost of travelling for these training sessions be reimbursed as well? I have to rely on public transport, and the cost of a bus is about �5 now so I have to be a bit wary, still trying to get a job. Thanks.

Is insomnia more of a female thing or male thing?

And if it ever happened to you, what do you like to do? Random streaking? Chronic cleaning? Work out? Coffee and cigarettes? Shopping at a 24/7 spot? Go for a walk? Pray? Howl at the moon? Talk to the homeless or strangers? Random good samaritan works? Dig a big hole in your or someone else's yard? Troll around? Ask trite questions on GS?

Is this a sign of cat love?

hello people of yahoo i just wanted to ask a question ok so here it is. i have a two year old cat his name is bogie pronounced (bow-GIE) is this a sign of affection from him ok this morning i was sitting at the kitchen table saying good morning to him and he stood on his hind legs and put one paw on my leg and with the other paw he reached up to my face and pulled my face closer to him then rubbed hid head on face. is this a sign of love for me? just letting you know he is de-clawed so his paws were soft not scratching me. and this is the first time he's ever done this so ya tell me what you think

A poem about good grief. (BG's challenge) C/C?

Had trouble getting into my mail box, Hap, so had to do some shenanigans to finally get to it. Saw this on my challenge AND saw all those TDs. What the heck? They be picking on you, my friend. I really liked this write, although that 'good night' part was not fitting for it. Fix that and you'll have a winner. How ya been, anyway? God bless...

Unable to speak to people?

Alright, here we go. This is something you'll have to work on within you, there is no magical cure--which I'm sure you know. Take one step at a time and work towards talking to another person, start with one other person. Even if you can hardly say a sentence, just keep trying, keep pushing and making the effort. Hopefully it'll start to improve, no this won't happen overnight, but its better to go through an excruciating slow process of trying to talk to people, but its better than living your entire life being almost mute. Plus if things aren't getting better, chances are they're getting worse... so start today.. just one step. One little change you make now can be a difference in your life tomorrow.

How to get Marijuana out of your system! help!?

Depending on the kind of tests they do...there really is NO WAY to 'get clean' other than sweet old time. No lecture from me...I smoked too. If it was just a urine test...well, I had to take a test 2 days after I smoked and I drank over a gallon of water about 15 hours before my test and it came back negative...but then again it could have been dumb luck. Wish i HAD A BETTER ANSWER FOR YOU. bEST OF LUCK.

Do the Welsh and the Scots like being ruled by an English queen?

In actuality, the queen is more German than anything. Her children are definitely more German since their mother AND their father are both derived from German stock. Quite comical when you think about Britain having royalty with so much German blood (who had to change their name during WWI because it was so German!). God save our German queen. What nonsense the monarchy is. Think about it...Brits swearing allegiance and bowing down to a woman who is of the Hanoverian line from Germany. Back to my original question -- how do the Welsh and the Scots feel about having a queen based in England and born in England (albeit with lots of German blood)?

Atheists this will make you believe?

I know alot of you atheists were let down by your faith because you were probably brought up as Christians but that's a Satanic polytheistc religion who belives in 3 gods, the Truth is there is only One God, and God is far from not having a son. I was raised a jew and then became a muslim, because I believe Jesus and Muhammad were the last 2 prophets, and how can you not believe in God when it is he who created you, you want evidence of God just look around you, all this can't appear out of nothing there has to be a creator, and God is high above, He can't have a son, and He is not like His creation, we must bow down to him in worship, dont let Satan fool you He wants you to join you in the hellfire, even Satan scares God, God will destroy Satan when judgement day comes but keeps him now to see who is truyl faihtful and wont fall for Satan, save yourselves from the Hellfire, say There is no god except Allaah and Muhammad is the last messenger of God.

I need a dress to match these shoes but can't find one anywhere! Help?

The dress doesn't always have to match the shoes. Get a solid colored dress. For example, a solid purpel dress, or just a regular black dress. Hope that helped.

Am I going through a growth spurt?

Yes, you are going through a growth spurt. Everybody does during adolescence, and the amount you grow and the rate at which you grow has little to do with what you eat. Most girls get as tall as they're going to get by the time they get to be 18 years old, give or take a year or two. Now, the fact that you're feeling sick also has little to do with your growth spurt. Perhaps it's your first period developing, or perhaps you've got indigestion from eating too many different kinds of food at once, or perhaps some of the food you ate had food poisoning. At all events, see your doctor right away. If your bloat, warmth, and heart rate are due to nothing more than your menstrual cycle developing, it's better to be sure than sorry later.

Is it time? a poem, perhaps prose, or just a chain of thought, C/C?

You spelled "Basket weavers", "mangy mutt" and "berzerk" wrong... Other than that, you paint a very vivid hallucination.

Healthy but extreme weight loss diets?

Cardio is the best workout if your trying to lose weight. I had my calorie intake at about 500 a day, when I was suppose to be taking in 2000 a day. That was not a good idea, I was miserable and only lost 13 pounds. Try going vegetarian, or just eating more natural things.

Would people reward you if you informed them of their vulnerabilities & exposure on the internet?

most companies would report you to the authorities but it is possible to get a job for a single company looking for vulnerabilities - if you want to be a good Samaritan you need to be anonymous and consequently can't usually get paid

Perhaps a fools journey intruding, will you comment at least?

I know you have been attacked her and I sympathize. But never let it keep you from telling stories to those who like to hear them. This was lovely. Best wishes to you and yours.

My life is a mess, what options do I have? I Need �2k to put things right?

I am increasingly selfish man who has destroyed my life and that if my family. My wife left me last year after I had a failed suicide attempt. I had been leading a double life and had amassed severe gambling debts and could not go on anymore. I spent 2 weeks in hospital following the failed attempt and everyday since i have lived in hell. We have 2 wonderful children who I only get to see once a week (if I am lucky and only for about 3 hours.) I recently have been living with my parents who have been incredibly kind. But I can't go on living anymore. I tried so hard to conquer my gambling compulsion. I found solace for a while in gamblers anonymous but then the dream world of the gambler overtook me and I ran up further debt and continued lying to my family about my whereabouts and my finances. I have a good job, where I manage to put on a different persona and get work done to a high standard, and I get on well with my colleagues. but each month I end up losing my wages and my losing my will to live. I have no real friends. I look at the 50 or so people on facebook and there is only one person on there who I would count as a friend. I even rang the Samaritans today, because I have no one else to speak to. My problem is that I can't get the thought of doing serious harm to myself out of my head. I have lost my wages and the �2k I need to cover payments of my debt management plan, my car finance and my mortgage has gone. I feel I have no option but to leave this world now. I have let everyone down. I did the same last month and my parents bailed me out but won't do it again and they have categorically said this. If I gamble again I am homeless and disowned. I can't move back to my own home as I am not welcome there. So my question I guess is two... The first is where the hell can I get �2k to put right all this mess and keep living for another month...? The second is seriously what can I do?? I mean I am only 30 and shouldn't be faced with suicidal thoughts again

Does yahoo have some sort of facility to flag up and help people on the forum who might be at risk?

While there is no 'flag up' such as you've described, we HAVE been assured by staff that if we REPORT the posting as 'illegal' (2nd option) and type in "Suicide" in the text box, staff DOES send information to the person posting regarding services that may help them with their issues. However, they will also remove the posting, as any reference to self-harm or harm to others is considered a violation of the rules of the site. So posting an answer with information may not work, as it would be inaccessible once the question was deleted. Finally, it is good to bear in mind that while there ARE people in distress out there, many of the postings like that actually are being done by trolls. Very sad, but often true.

O.K, This question is aimed at Fundamental, Anti-Catholism Christians?

I admire that you have made a clear case, however the ones to whom you are speaking are deaf to reason.

How much could I get for my violin?

My violin is 8 years old...but is in mid-condition. Nothing is broken and it plays perfectly fine. I don't have the bow considering it broke...but I do have the case. I only played it for one year, but my sister played it for two years. I hope to sell it for around $350, but I'm not entirely sure yet. So if anyone has an idea about how much it's worth, just let me know.

Is this a legit place to buy beats pro detox?

Can drinking Vinegar Help me pass a drug test?

If not i'm going to kill my friend this sh*t Is horrible -__- My stomach feels some type of way....Like i gotta poop lol Any answers on how to pass a drug test will be helpful too (No i'm not buying any detox products that i'm only gonna use for a day meaning i just wasted money)

What marijuana detox works best?

I smoked today and I may have to take a pre employment drug test for a job I really need. I know that I shouldnt be smoking pot, and if it didnt help me sleep so well I wouldn't do it at all. I just found out about the job today, after I had already smoked, so my question is what is the best way to pass a drug test by tomorrow? I already only drink water, and my current job has a lot of physical labor to it so I do sweat a lot. So is my best bet to continue to drink a lot of water and just hope for the best or should I buy a detox kit? Which would be more effective on such short notice?

Are 'schizophrenics' going to be amde to work fulltime (Uk)?

Are people with schizophrenia going to fail the new 'Work Capability Test' and be told to get full time jobs? I have heard people say this is true. I only do 2 days a week voluntary work because I am so whacked by the sedation from my 600mg seroquel, so I'm worried! Also a lot of nights I have attacks from the schizo symptoms and stay up talking to the samaritans on my phone and end up even more messed up in the mornings. My nurse said i should only have to do voluntary work but I thought David Cameron said there just isn'money leftmoneyleft in the country to fund benefits, (except for people who are incredibly ill, eg with cancer or m.s). I am worried about being with people cos I get very scared and they always seem so nasty. I only feel safe with my animals and mum, doing voluntary work making food parcels for mums church 2 afternoons a week.

Christians: Salvation by faith alone?

Entirely too many people just 'read' the Bible and don't understand it, then try to prove it to be wrong. To actually 'study' the Bible requires much time and discussion with true scholars of theology so that they really know what passages mean. A good understanding of the ancient languages and reading the earliest manuscripts in those languages helps to get the true meaning. This is where trained theologists come in very handy to the folks who know only English, for instance, not the Bible languages. Need I say you have it all wrong? God bless.

How do i explain how i am feeling to someone? What should i do?

Well, depression is not a disorder to be toyed with. If you feel like crap, then why don't you get up and go out so you don't feel like crap? If you feel suicidal, tell someone, because if you finally do kill yourself (which you shouldn't) then they can help you through the depressing time. If you are depressed let everything out in a diary, or a journal. Vent everything out to a friend or parent. It will help, I promise

Depressed gambler needs �2000 please advise on what I can do?

I am increasingly selfish man who has destroyed my life and that if my family. My wife left me last year after I had a failed suicide attempt. I had been leading a double life and had amassed severe gambling debts and could not go on anymore. I spent 2 weeks in hospital following the failed attempt and everyday since i have lived in hell. We have 2 wonderful children who I only get to see once a week (if I am lucky and only for about 3 hours.) I recently have been living with my parents who have been incredibly kind. But I can't go on living anymore. I tried so hard to conquer my gambling compulsion. I found solace for a while in gamblers anonymous but then the dream world of the gambler overtook me and I ran up further debt and continued lying to my family about my whereabouts and my finances. I have a good job, where I manage to put on a different persona and get work done to a high standard, and I get on well with my colleagues. but each month I end up losing my wages and my losing my will to live. I have no real friends. I look at the 50 or so people on facebook and there is only one person on there who I would count as a friend. I even rang the Samaritans today, because I have no one else to speak to. My problem is that I can't get the thought of doing serious harm to myself out of my head. I have lost my wages and the �2k I need to cover payments of my debt management plan, my car finance and my mortgage has gone. I feel I have no option but to leave this world now. I have let everyone down. I did the same last month and my parents bailed me out but won't do it again and they have categorically said this. If I gamble again I am homeless and disowned. I can't move back to my own home as I am not welcome there. So my question I guess is two... The first is where the hell can I get �2k to put right all this mess and keep living for another month...? The second is seriously what can I do?? I mean I am only 30 and shouldn't be faced with suicidal thoughts again

What weight recurve bow should I buy?

Beginning archer and know zilch about archery. I need recommendations on what weight bow to buy, if anyone could help! :) I'm looking at the sage takedown recurve bow. I think I've gathered that bow weight depends on what size person is doing the shooting? I'm 5'10" and 180 pounds...

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Important question about "Master Cleanse Lemonade detox"?

Okay, Im not going on the "Master cleanse" diet to lose weight but I have heard that the lemonade works for clearing your body of toxins. However, I have a question. I planned to do the diet for 5 days to clear my body, but when I am done with the detox does this mean I have to stop smoking ( I smoke cigarettes and go to hookah bars sometimes). I am not going to smoke while I am detoxing, but I want to smoke when I get done with the detox. Will I be defeating the purpose of detoxing? Will the smoke bring back ALL of the toxins I cleared my body of or will the cleanse at least clear some of the toxins? Just asking because I told my friend that "I cant wait until this is over to have a cig" and he said everything you got rid of will instantly come back if you smoke.... please enlighten me

Why is there such a lack of the tolerance, acceptance and love that Jesus supposedly taught here?

I'm anti religion for that specific reason. The story of the samaritan. Judge not lest ye be judged. Where is THAT christianity????

How long does it take the body to rid it's self of toxins?

I've made a serious change in my life due to a job that i want to apply for in August. So no more smoking weed or cigarets or drinking. I haven't touched any of that in about 2 weeks, but i made a promise to my best friend of 15 years that we would party it up for her 25th, which is this up coming weekend. I'm a strong willed person and my ability 2 quit was as easy as snapping my fingers so there is no biggie there. what i want to know is if i drink and smoke cigs, this Saturday and nvr again, how long will it take for those toxins to leave my body entire body???starting July 1st I'm going to fast for 4 to 5 days, drinking only juices (fruit and veggie) and water. then I'm going to drink this green tea detox recommended by a friend by zydot and around July 25th or so I'm going to use zydots hair cleansing shampoo that opens up hair follicles and cleanses them of any toxins. ( thc, nicotine, cotinine) by then my body should be completely rid of all of those toxins right???

Pam butter cooking spray is making me sick at work!!!!!?

I know this may sound absurd, but i work in a small restaurant & we spray Pam butter spray on everything. I do the breakfast in the mornings and we spray pam on the muffins, biscuits, hashbrowns, cookies, brownies, and then for lunch we do panini sandwiches (probably about 50 during out lunch rush) & we spray the tops of the breads before we press them down on the panini grills, so all in all, im probably spraying pam about 50 times a day. Ive mentioned this to my employer, just kind of suspecting it may be the pam, but i have no proof, but i just recently did research and i may actually be on to something. The main problem im having is my throat feels sore & my chest feels cloudy and its a little harder to breath, and no im not just coming down with something or getting sick, i just finished a 10 day detox and only eat natural & organic and no meat, so im hardly ever sick (ive been at this job now for 3 weeks) and when im away from work, the heavinest in my chest is not there, if anyone can help me with this, i would really appreciate it, because i do need to work, but maybe if i can show my employer some proof and maybe they will just go to brushing butter or margine on the items, maybe, or some other non toxic alternative. Thanks for any info you can provide! I just really want to feel better!

Friend drinking himself to death?

My friend is 34 is drinking himself to death. He is also by polar. The last two years has been the worst. The last 60 days he has been in detox 2 times and the ER 4 times. Goes on a binder and will stop eating and drinking for 5 or 10 days straight...until he ends up in the ER. I am trying to get him to admit himself for treatment he will not do it. He comes to my house for help then ends up only laying on my sofa drinking and getting worst. It is becoming hell. The thing is I am 63 and my heath is not that good. Bad lungs and heart not that good. I was in the hospital myself a few weeks ago. I am also legally blind. I fear the stress is going to kill me. How can you get someone committed if they are killing themselves?

World of Warcraft Nostalgia Character?

Hi, I'm planning on making a character on WoW. The reason I'm asking you guys for some help is this: I want to make a character on WoW resembling Corvus. Don't know who Corvus is? Corvus was the protagonist in the games Heretic and Heretic 2. He was an elf, he had a supply of numerous weapons. Most of his weapons were magic, but he also had a pole arm and a bow usable with either storm or phoenix arrow. My question is: He shall be a blood elf, quite obviously because night elfs are purple, but should he be a hunter or a mage? It would be great if people who have played Heretic or Heretic 2 could help, thanks!

Experience with Miralax?

So I need a total body flush/cleanse laxative to detox my body. I got Miralax today at the grocery store. Just wondering how effective it is and if anyone had experience with it. Thanks so much

What is the easiest and quickest way to lose weight?

After being pregnant and having a baby I put on about 20 kgs. With my daughter now being 2 I believe its time for me to drop this weight. Does anyone know of any diets that work but are not too hard out. Eg. Lemon detox, fluid diet etc.

Can you answer my questions.... Please ?

Water diet is probably the stupidest thing that's trendy these days. If you want to detox, try eating better and eat lots of oatmeal! Oatmeal (in a gross way of thinking) scrapes your insides. Just exercise and eat better, you'll start to feel better. Drink lots of water, it's good for your skin, but for a diet, it's B.S.

Why was Peter going to see Cornelius if the Jews were not to have any dealings with the gentiles?

because the Lord God has no respect to persons or men, but rather weighs the hearts of mankind and is impartial

Will I lose some pounds in 2 days?

Depends upon what you currently weight. But...yes, you will likely lose a bit of weight in two days.

Best detox tea available in Singapore?

Brand, where to find it etc. Preferably teabagged and not green tea kind, cos I really don't like green tea ><

How did the "SEPHARVAIM" so-called "JEWS" turn into {become} any TRIBE of the Children of Israel ?

Take the parable of the good Samaritan, was the Levite an "Ashkenazim" proselyte to talmudic judaism....{so-called.."JEW"}..circa 740AD, ?

Teaching my horse to bow?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Obama only did one thing?

How to re-represent the parable of The good Samaritan in a modern context?

my husband and I was driving and a man in a wheelchair going down the street tipped over. We pulled over along with other cars. The only thing he could say was please don't steal my groceries, please don't steal them. He wouldn't even let go of them to let us help him up. He said that he has flipped over many times and this was the first time that no one ran away with all his food and left him just laying there.

Is atheism rising faster than Islam?

There has been a noticeable drop-out in the attendance at the local mosque and the number of brothels in my home town has increased from three to five.The number of Hell's angels has also significantly increased.I do not suppose the brothels is being run by the Good Samaritans.Your views.

How many puff stitches in this hat?

I'm trying to make this hat And so i don't mess up any more i want to know how many stitches are supposed to be on each row. I'm trying to finish it today so please help me.

Drug test question help!?

My friend is on probation and has his first probation meeting this tuesday morning. He has to call in by phone, and is worried about a drug test. He didn't smoke for over a month, and smoked a little bit on saturday night. Should he be worried about failing a test if he is asked to take one after the phone call? Should he get a detox drink or just drink water and work out?

Has anyone made a complaint against the samaritans?

Many years ago when going through a difficult time I rang the samaritans maybe 2-3 times. One of those times the male at the other end of the phone asked personal questions about my appearance, weight etc. He then asked questions about my sex life. I felt a little uneasy at the time and it wasnt till a lot later I realised this was not appropriate. Has anyone had the same thing happen

What is the best detox plan?

Stop eating processed foods (anything that says high-fructose corn syrup, aspartame, phenylalanine, sucrose, hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated), stop eating vegetable oils and stop eating grain (corn, wheat, oats, rice or products made from those things). Add fresh veggies, fruit and meat and your body will detox without having to buy anything. It takes two weeks and your body (sweat, breath, excrement and other fluids) but your body will purge all the garbage out of your system through every available exit - including your skin.

Was this the right thing to do?

My kind of boyfriend commented on a girls profile picture on facebook...and you could take what he said in two ways I guess. He commented on her photo and said "bow chicka wow wow" and I know that most often means something sexual so on an impulse since he wasn't online I sent him a message and kind of was trying to be light hearted about it but since we're together I wanted to ask him if he knew what that meant so my message went something like this "Hey, saw your comment on ___photo. Just curious, do you even know what "bow chicka wow wow" means?" I do a lot of things impulsively without thinking, and I'm worried I could have offended him for some reason because he has gotten mad at me lately for taking things too seriously. Was that the right thing to do?

Why does he do this? Please answer?

heis only looking at you becaus he thinks you are looking at him. He looks to make sure your not looking at him

Friday, July 15, 2011

Will I be able to pass my drug test?

I use to be a daily marijuana smoker until I went to jail for 45 days. I smoked one bowl when I got home on june 19th, and then made the stupid mistake of taking a few hits off of a joint on june 24th. I'm 5'0 in height, and usually weigh about 110, but I gained 8-10 lb over the 45 days that I plan on losing soon. My first probation meeting is july 12th, will I be able to pass the drug test if I drink water and exercise? I want honest opinions and answers, but nothing rude please. I'm scared but I plan to stay 100% clean after this. If anyone knows of anything that might help, besides detox drinks, it would be much appreciated. Thanks!!

10 Points for any corrections to my french work (does not have to be complete)?

"Bonjour je m'appelle Jacques. Mon devoir est sur les hipsters. Les Hipsters aiment la mode, la musique indie et la satire. Les Hipsters habitent en general dans les grande villes comme par exemple : Paris, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco et Seattle. La mode de Hipster est unique. Pour la majorité des hipsters, la mode est un moyen d’expression. Les hommes préfèrent des jeans slim, des cravates slim, des chemise à carreaux et des chaussures. D'autres styles comprennent des costumes moderne. Les femmes portent des robes vintage, des jupes, des chemisiers et des ceintures uniques. Parfois les vêtements pour hommes sont plus serrés que les vêtements pour femmes. Un véritable hipster n'achete pas ses vetements chez Abercrombie & Fitch. Ils préfèrent les petites boutiques vintage. En ce qui concerne la musique, les Hipsters préfèrent les sons expérimentaux. La musique indie regroupe plusieurs genres comme la musique rock, rap et bien plus encore. La musique est trés importante pour le hipster. Elle leur donne de la personnalité. Ils aiment des groupes: The Velvet Underground, The Beatles, My Bloody Valentine et Sonic Youth. La plupart des Hipsters habitent dans des appartements. Ils les décorent avec de l’art. En generale dans un style postmoderne. L'art est important pour le maintien de leur identité culturelle. Les Hipsters aiment aussi la nourriture. Ils ne vont pas faire leurs courses dans les supermarchés. Ils préfèrent avoir des ingrédients frais. C'est pour cela qu'ils privilegient les marches. Les marchés des producteurs se spécialisent dans les aliments biologiques. Les Hipsters connaissent bien l'humour satirique. Ils l'utilisent pour se moquer de la culture populaire. Les Hipsters portent des t-shirts satiriques pour exprimer leur sens de l'humour. Aujourd'hui, la culture Hipster et la culture populaire sont presque identiques. L'humour satirique est partout et la musique indie est tres repandue. Les Rappers comme Kanye West portent des jeans skinny et des groupes indie comme Vampire Weekend ont des millions de vues sur Youtube. Les magasins comme American Apparel et Urban Outfitters ont popularisé le Hipster. Une véritable Hipster est difficile de trouver. Je vous remercie de votre ecoute.

Ladies, would you have been jealous and/or angry had this happened to your boyfriend/husband?

I wouldn't be jealous. It was a very nice thing to do so I wouldn't care too much. You did a good thing. Some people wouldn't do that. So no, I would not be mad or jealous.

Trying to crontain the misery welling up inside me.?

Hello, honey. You said you're living in a nightmare, and one of your fears came true. I'm wondering what you are talking about. And that no one seems to care. People do care, you just need to find someone who can help. You sound like you are going through a really hard time at the minute. Sometimes the hardest thing is holding on until things get better. But you do need to get help to sort it out. I've been through hard times myself, we were homeless a few times growing up, my mom couldn't love me (not her fault, she had issues herself), my dad disappeared when I was 6 months old, I was suicidal as a young person, and then married a guy who abused me and then left me. But I'm studying further now, have great kids, lucky to have a good job. And I wouldn't have had all those if I had let things - or people - get me down. Do you know what a special person you are? Even though you feel so bad, each of us is special, and unique. You need to go on and find your place in the world, so don't give up, ok? And look for help. If you don't want the Samaritans, or a GP, speak to a friend, or write on this page again. Thinking of you.

Is there a christian ministry that is solely focused on samaritan efforts?

Samaritan's Purse. It was founded by Billy Graham's son Franklin. I have a tradition of donating to Samaritan's Purse every Christmas through Operation Christmas Child. I fill a shoebox with toys and supplies that then gets shipped to a needy child somewhere in the world.

Is being bow legged bad?

I'm not really completely bow legged, only slightly and I've never noticed until my mom pointed it out to me. She didn't say it in indication to it being a bad think, but I think it looks a little odd. Is there any bad side affects to being bow legged and is there a reason it is caused. I'm pretty sure I've always had it and I'm not unhealthy or anything.

I have a violin with a label inside which say Antonius Stradivarius Cremonenfis Faciebad Anno 1713 A S and?

a little cross symbol circled this label is printed,no hand writed,the violin is in a cage tha has printed out ATD1902, also has other fabric label inside that say trademark, something more that I couldnt read, and july 1898.A paganini finest-solo rosin in cork case made in Germany.A bow that say CHECOESLOVAKYA, other bow P.HOYER,Germany,a little metal tool I dont know but also say GERMANY on it;the violin has a Deckers model chin rest.I would say,by clues,this isnt a authentic Stadivarius,but I would like some another opinions.Thankyou

I have smoked 4 times the past month only taking 1 hit.I've detoxed with a 24 hr detox.will i pass my drugtest?

The last time i smoked was 5 days ago and i am taking my drug test tomorrow, which would be the 6th day. I am an non-freqent user and have not smoked since. I have used a 24 hr detox solution that i drank yesterday called Assure Detox I purchased at GNC. I drink a so much water its almost unhealthy and i have worked out and sweated everyday PLEASE LET ME KNOW I NEED ALL THE HELP I CAN GET

How much could I get for my violin?

My violin is 8 years old...but is in mid-condition. Nothing is broken and it plays perfectly fine. I don't have the bow considering it broke...but I do have the case. I only played it for one year, but my sister played it for two years. I hope to sell it for around $350, but I'm not entirely sure yet. So if anyone has an idea about how much it's worth, just let me know.